Our work - Proven production for creative requirements

We're dedicated to efficiency and maximizing resources to deliver the best value to our clients. Our secret lies in leveraging the expertise and tools we've honed over the past decade.

Case studies


Unreal Engine Plugin Development, Game Server Orchestration

Unreal Engine Plugin for Edgegap

Edgegap offers automated and distributed game server orchestration on the world's largest public edge computing infrastructure. Experience reduced latency, scaling, and fully managed game servers.

Noblon collaborated with Edgegap to create Unreal Engine plugins that enable developers to harness the power of automated game server orchestration and ensure flawless multiplayer experiences.

Working with Noblon has been a game-changer for Edgegap. Their Unreal Engine plugins have revolutionized our game server orchestration, enabling us to deliver flawless multiplayer experiences with reduced latency and top-tier performance.

Mathieu Duperré, CEO & Founder of Edgegap

Impact Theory

Game Development, Game Design


Explore Kyzen, the digital playground where your digital identity comes to life. Kyzen offers a state-of-the-art avatar creator and an immersive 3D game world designed to evolve your digital narrative.

Noblon collaborated with Kyzen to bring this digital dream to life. Through game development and avatar creation, we crafted a platform where challenges shape your character and real-life achievements.

Our partnership with Noblon has been transformative. They understood our vision for Kyzen and made it a reality, creating a platform that empowers users to shape their digital identity and achieve real-life success through gaming challenges.

George Pagoulatos, Manager at Impact Theory

Impact Theory

Game Development, Game Design

Merry Modz

Experience the enchanting world of Christmas through "Merry Modz," an immersive adventure that unveils the hidden secrets of Santa, his elves, and the magic of the holiday season.

Noblon worked closely with the creators to bring "Merry Modz" to life using Unreal Engine, offering a generative art experience and digital collectibles to add a unique touch to the gaming adventure.

Working with Noblon on "Merry Modz" was a fantastic experience. Their expertise in Unreal Engine and generative art added a new dimension to our Christmas adventure, making it truly magical for players of all ages.

Will Vu, Marketing at Impact Theory

Noblon's Unreal Engine plugins have been instrumental in optimizing game server orchestration. They've helped us scale effortlessly and deliver the best performance in the industry. We approached because we loved their past work. They delivered something remarkably similar in record time.


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